Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let’s just say I believe in healthy love.

The title of this post is a quote by one of my favourite people on television, Jillian Michaels (from The Biggest Loser). I love Jillian because she used to be overweight, learned to manage her eating, and now holds others accountable for their unhealthy lifestyles. She's a no BS kind of lady, and if you know me, you know that we have that in common.

My FH is blessed with an amazing metabolism. I really don't get it. He can fill his body with processed foods, candy, and sugary sodas, never exercise, and still weigh 155 lbs (and he's over 6'). So, living with the man is hard. SO HARD. Especially if you're a sugar-a-holic, which I am.

When we started dating (over 3 years ago), I gained some weight. Love tends to do that to a person. Why cook when you're in love? You can just eat Quiznos everyday. So we did. I kid you not.

Fast forward one year, and I weighed 10 lbs more than when we started dating. Now that's unhealthy love. I had no energy, and my skin was going nuts (acne and I have a long standing relationship, unfortunately).

What to do, what to do. Join a gym? I managed to convince one of my friends (now a bridesmaid) to join with me so that we could be healthy and hot. We went to the gym fairly religiously, but I sabotaged myself by doing something that many gym-goers are guilty of. I used the gym as an excuse to eat crap, i.e. "I can eat this bag of peppermint patties because yesterday I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes." I was so naive. I didn't lose weight, in fact, I gained more.

Then just this past spring (April to be exact), it hit me. I must exercise and eat healthy to be fit. I know, not exactly ground breaking stuff, but I really needed to come to that realization myself. And guess what? It worked.

So now, after being a member of my gym for almost 2.5 years, I've lost 17 lbs, and 6% of my body fat. I feel great, have tons of energy and I'm training for a 1/2 marathon that I plan to run 13 days before my wedding.

So for all you brides out there that don't think it can be done, it can. You just have to commit to a complete lifestyle change. It's hard, but so worth it.

Here's some brides looking fit that helped inspire my new lifestyle, and could help inspire yours:

via Love Bridal

via Fitness Magazine

via Brisbane Times

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