Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Everything is booked, so now we're booking it...

We're moving.

Image via Boyo Movers

Not anywhere far away, in fact, we're just moving to the other side of our small city. Nevertheless, the move is eating up ALL MY TIME. Packing, arranging to purchase used furniture, selling some of our old furniture, repairing nail holes, painting the new place. It's absolute craziness!

The move is happening this Saturday, hence my absence from the blogging world. I'm sorry, I really am, but life really does get in the way sometimes.

I'll be so glad once the move is over, as the basement is going to be converted to my 'wedding crafting station'. I'm sure my FH will also be relieved as our coffee table will no longer be covered with save-the-dates, tissue pom poms and address labels.

Once the move is done, I'm going to go wedding crazy. I have plans to go dress shopping with my mom and sister (for their dresses, I already have mine, fear not) on Mother's Day weekend. I will send out the STDs. I will finish the wedding pom poms. I will test out fudge recipes. I will make water bottle and wedding program templates.

But for now, I will pack.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Tie a knot? Pour some wine? Light some candles?

No, that's not the order of the events for the day. That's me trying to figure out what special ceremony we can include within our marriage ceremony.

Candle ceremonies are one of the most common ceremonies. The bride and groom each take a lit candle (often lit by their mothers) and simultaneously light a third larger "unity candle." They may blow out their individual lights, or leave them lit, symbolizing that though they are now united, their individuality remains.  You can purchase a personalized unity candle, allowing the candle to be a keepsake.

Wine ceremonies are good if you enjoy wine, which the FH and I do not. In a wine ceremony the bride and groom pour wine from two separate carafes (usually one white, one red) into one glass, which they both drink from.

Image via Flickr

Water and sand ceremonies are similar to candle ceremonies. The bride and groom take different colours of water (or different colours of sand) and pour them into a large container making a third colour of water (or a mixture of the two sand colours). With the sand ceremony, there's the option of having the sand-filled vase as a keepsake.

Tying the knot or handfasting is a ceremony in which a number of colored ribbons or cords are used to tie the bride and groom's hands together before the vows are made.

I'm at a loss as to which ceremony we should include. I am leaning towards the handfasting, but I think my FH wants to have the sand ceremony (I'm convinced this is partly because of his hoarding nature, as the sand would result in a keepsake).

Which do you think we should include? Should we go the traditional route (i.e. unity candle) or create an entirely new ceremony (perhaps related to our chemistry backgrounds)?

Monday, April 5, 2010

You need my license and registration? Well, I have the registration...

My FH and I used the holiday weekend to cross off one of our most highly anticipated tasks on the wedding checklist. The registry.

You may recall from a previous post, that our 'main' registry will be a honeymoon registry, but we figured we should make a more traditional registry as well, in case people don't like the thought of helping to pay for our honeymoon.

We set up our more traditional registry at Sears. Why Sears? Well, they're everywhere, their items are moderately priced (we're sort of hippies, if you recall), and they have quite a large inventory (i.e. many choices).

It was actually a pretty painless experience, excluding the 30 minutes my FH spent deciding on a cookware set.

So, what'd we ask for? Lots of boring things that we need, like towels, fabric napkins and a shower curtain. Plus, some really fun items (though due to their cost, we're unlikely to receive many, if any, of these items) including:

Beautiful copper-lined Lagostina cookware:

A Dyson-ball vaccum (the salesperson accused us of being lured by the great advertising, which we are, but so what):

A beautiful Tommy Hilfiger bedroom ensemble:

A very awesome, very skinny, 32" Samsung LED television:

All images via Sears

Do you think I'm being greedy, or is it okay to ask for higher-priced items on your registry?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Looks like your bride is in need of a tune-up.

I've mentioned in previous posts that I am a runner. I haven't always been a runner, in fact less than two years ago I was a couch potato. But, several things made me change, including: a) weight gain b) lack of energy and c) The Biggest Loser (yes, the tv show...I said I was a couch potato....).

The running is great and all, but I'm a goal oriented person. It didn't take long for me to realize I couldn't just run everyday and be happy. I wanted a goal. I wanted to run a race.

I've decided to run my first half marathon on October 17 (13 days before the wedding). But recently I realized my first real race shouldn't be 21.097 km! So, I'm going to run a tune-up race (it's meant as prep for the Toronto Marathon) on July 11.

The race is only 5 km, and I run much further than that on a daily basis, but I'm still nervous. I guess it's just the pressure to succeed.

I really like the idea of this race, because it'll motivate me to keep up with my workouts AND it helps support the Canadian Cancer Society. Plus, the race will allow me to think of things beside wedding details for a few days.

Is it weird that running calms me down? Am I crazy for running a half-marathon less than two weeks before my wedding?